Losing My Cats For Christmas
Day after Christmas. Back to work. Child #1 had today off as his Christmas holiday - I will get to take my holiday on Thursday. Which is fine. I had Friday off for my Christmas Eve and so had a 3 day weekend. Next week as well I get an extra day off since New Year's falls on a Sunday. Gonna get spoiled working only 4 days for three weeks in a row. CEO Dad has every day off since his sudden disability retirement this year. He just grins at Child #1 and me as we trudge out in the cold and dark. Not that we mind - he put in 37 years at his job. Out in the weather, working as much as 84 hours in a week at times. There were a lot of Christmases that he did not arrive home until noon or later. The man has earned an early retirement. Plus he's turning into a great little wife! The dishes are done. My work uniforms are always washed, dried and folded. He goes to the grocery store. He's even doing some cooking. (Asked me if there's anything I would like him to fix, but when I said "pasta" he said no way 'cause he is sure I will not like how it turns out. I say he's got to try making it a few times before he'll get the hang of it, but he wants a RECIPE! for crying out loud. How can you give anyone a recipe for meat sauce or meatballs or lasagna? You just have to grab a bunch of recipes and lay them out on the table and take a smattering from each as you think it appeals to your tastes. After a while you just know how to make it.) But I digress. The thing that is beginning to worry me is that the cat hair gets vacuumed. The litter boxes get emptied. He has taken to feeding the cats their evening meal of "Stinky Goodness". (Hat tip to PsychoKitty at PsychoKitty Speaks Out for that exquisite turn of a phrase.) I am beginning to believe that he is trying to STEAL MY CATS. He admonishes them when their game of "Bite My Brother" gets out of hand. He lets them sit on the kitchen table and feeds them HAM at 10am promptly every morning.
He keeps their favorite blankets washed, dried and in their preferred spots.
CEO is also trying to usurp MY job as "Keeper of the Door". And this picture is the ultimate proof.... my Zath'ras, my Squeaky Boy, my Little Bad Cat, caught on film in the arms of another.
Luckily the cats are afraid of the C-Pap machine and still want to sleep in their Mommy's bed.
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